A few of us met up downtown for the annual PILLOW FIGHT!! In true SG fashion, Cosi and I almost missed it because we stopped for a beer.
My new hero is the fighter wearing the unicorn hat/cape thingy. If you see him, tell him he's awesome.
Oh, god, it was a total massacre. So...many....feathers....
All the people were nice enough to help with the clean up. Which, of course, was almost just as fun as the actual fight. I ended up ankle deep in a pile of floaty soft feather fun.
And then Maxx got into some trouble...
Fresh out of the fight, Subway sammiches in hand, we wandered around Downtown for a bit.
The city was full of hustle and bustle that day...Look what we found in the middle of the street!
Then we did what any normal 20somethings would do after a city wide pillow fight...
WE WENT TO THE BAR! We drank, we watched two Derby Dolls get into a HUGE fight, we traded sunglasses, talked with the other patrons, bugged "local safety patrol" guards. And in the total fabulousness that we are, Cosi and I took some great photobooth shots.
.... <3