haven't logged in a while lol well, things have been getting a lot better. With all this time to myself and not spending it on the computer or phone I've been able to start a whole new diet and exercise plan
I've already lost like 5 lbs. I'm slowly but surely on my way where I want to be. It sucks not being able to have ranch dressing with everything i eat hahahaha. that was killing me. I'm over it now. My mom has been very helpful through it all. I'm excited hehe.
Work seems better too... everyone had a sit down talk and sorted everything out, I still don't like them but respect them for at least trying to patch shit up.
I'm getting a new puppy too!
my current dog isn't jealous which is awesome
hmm, yup. I can't thank my friends enough (even you guys and myspacers) for helping me through some rough patches thanks

Work seems better too... everyone had a sit down talk and sorted everything out, I still don't like them but respect them for at least trying to patch shit up.
I'm getting a new puppy too!

hmm, yup. I can't thank my friends enough (even you guys and myspacers) for helping me through some rough patches thanks

5 lbs hey? nice work... wish I could lose some weight.
Aww... a puppy, how cute! what sort is it?
Well, have some fun!
I did have a little fun, went to my local pub of choice and drank a lot of rum.