Today was pretty weird. Listening to some Johnny Cash. I'm at a cross road. A car is practically being given to me in perfect condition, i'm gonna have some extra money and what not, actually I want to just pick up and leave. There isn't much here for me, CA hasn't felt like home ever for me. Family is forever so I'm not worried about leaving, sometimes you just gotta leave the nest. I've been stuck here for 19 years going on 20 and I'm just about ready to re-locate, this city is too crowded...this house is getting tiny. Don't get me wrong I'm happy and blessed to have a wonderful family (sometimes) my extended family is cutting ties and bonds are being broken so it's pointless to stay in this dirty blood.
I'm restless...
I'm restless...

I'm sure it would be for the best. Hope thing's are going well for you. Take care and ttyl.