I'm moving this weekend. My house is a hell-hole. Thank God I have nice parents who will drive a long ways to come help me and a sweet boyfriend who will help me pack up my shit.
I'm going to go grey soon. I won't have the internet at my new house, and SG is blocked from my work, so I will probably just not be here for a while. Boooo. I'll try to get a working laptop and internet so I can get back here, but no promises. I don't have money for a computer right now.
See you on the flip side.

I'm going to go grey soon. I won't have the internet at my new house, and SG is blocked from my work, so I will probably just not be here for a while. Boooo. I'll try to get a working laptop and internet so I can get back here, but no promises. I don't have money for a computer right now.
See you on the flip side.

ummmm..... porn at the boyfriends house. come on... no... no no no nonlknonojnfljsadlkfjsdls;dkh
do you hear me no. yeah no. no. no . no.... you are like my only friend.
Good luck with the move!