The update of all updates!
Ok, not really, but read anyway!
A trip to the Mall of America.
A return trip to the Mall of America and its neighbor, IKEA.
That evening, we grilled out. We had sooooo much food: burgers, chicken, spinach and fontina chicken brats, roasted red pepper brats, and evenutally, two kinds of ribs. The ribs would have been a huge hit (as with the evening itself), had my significant other ( and sole grill person) not gotten wasted and stupid. But after he went to bed (aka passed out), it was fine.
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"Wren of the Corn"
LyloniJade really likes dem weiners.
My lil squirt before he got unruly and we made him go to bed!
Wren's feet, warming by our pot o' crap fire.
And the rest of her.
Our trio of footsies. Again, by the pot o' crap.
And what a crap pot it was: a citronella candle, some lighter fluid, twigs, napkins, grass (dried and fresh), weeds, aluminum foil and some rib bones.
Some time prior, I had accidentally smothered the flame and
Wren took a napkin and held it to the glowing embers in an attempt to relight our fire....and it worked. Let's just say I'm lucky to still have eyelashes.
At the end of the night, we were contemplating how to put out the fire for good and it's a darn good thing we had a smart one among us.
LyloniJade used her beer. And boy did that thing light up.
My S.O. was out golfing with his dad, so LyloniJade and my son and I wandered over to "Grand Old Day" in St. Paul. It's just a festival that blocks off Grand Avenue for a day every summer, and serves fair/carnival type food. Yum.
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I believe the gorilla is trying to rape this old man.
My lil tator, watching the parade.
Our Minnesota State Fair mascot (Go figure. A giant gopher. Who'da thunk it!)
And later, we went to Trader Joe's, a very cool grocery store.
And today -
We went to Como Zoo. It's free. So it's cool.
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Doesn't she look like a celebrity?
She likes picking noses.
We're too awesome.
We're giving the giraffes some good lovin'...
...which they apparently do not appreciate.
Oh, now that's just obscene.
I like seals.
I like penguins too.
Here fishy, fishy, fishy...
These birds are stuck looking at themselves in the glass cage all day. Bummer. I had to stick my arm in their cage for the picture. Heh heh.
This bear is cool. Because I said so, that's why.
Hi. I'm a brown duck.
My little one had a ton of fun making noises with those ducks.
Chilean Flamingos. They're the coolest because they're from Chile. Like me.
LyloniJade. Half woman. Half frog.
Fun times, I'm tellin' ya!
Oh, but it gets better. LyloniJade left today. (No, that's not the good part!)
Actually, she TRIED to leave today. 15 minutes after she left, she appeared through my door. She had gone to fill her very low tire at our local Shell station up the block, but discovered there was some sort of a leak and it wouldn't fill. So, beings that it was already 4:30-5:00 by that time, there was nothing open to patch and refill her tire for the 350 mile drive back home. So she's still here.
Too bad I have to work in the morning, and she needs to drive back, or we'd be drunk.