I started work today. I stood outside a mall trying to people to fill out my friggin' surveys and everyone just blew me off. I did get 3 surveys in an hour and a half done. 1 person had some sort of minor mental handicap and she didn't list a phone number, or answer the questions right. The 2nd guy was from North Dakota, so getting him as a new patient is out. The 3rd guy had no ailments listed on my survey at all, so he won't be a new patient either. Then a mall worker came out and asked me what I was having people sign and I explained that it was nothing like that, it was just a survey to get new patients in the area and she said I needed to go down and talk to mall managment.
I thought that that had been cleared already because it was on my list of places to go. So I talked to the marketing director and she said no can do. So I got booted. I'm home to grab some lunch and head out to uptown, maybe if I just stand on the street a few blocks up from the practice office, I can get some people. I wonder how long this job is going to last.
I do have 2 bits of good news though:
A) They changed the Toys 'R Us in Roseville to a Babies 'R Us. Yay! Now I don't have to drive to Richfield or Maple Grove to go to one.
B) My widowed grandfather has been talking a lot about a "lady friend" who goes to our church. This woman's husband died 2.5 years ago, and apparently grandpa and her have been seeing quite a lot of each other in just the last couple of months. I got news yesterday that the lovebirds are getting married. The wedding is Nov. 27th, my dad's 55th birthday. I'm pretty damn excited. I'll save my rant about my late grandmother for another post, but I will inform you that this sweet 76 year old woman, Dorothy, is a much better person than my evil late grandmother and I couldn't be happier that he's marrying someone he loves and who is so kind. I'm glad he found someone new who makes him happy, it's been 8 years last month that grandma died, so it's about time he has a new live-in companion who can keep up with him. He's the most active 81 year old ever.
Well, I'm off to uptown to torture myself bugging more innocent victims to do these damn surveys.

I do have 2 bits of good news though:
A) They changed the Toys 'R Us in Roseville to a Babies 'R Us. Yay! Now I don't have to drive to Richfield or Maple Grove to go to one.
B) My widowed grandfather has been talking a lot about a "lady friend" who goes to our church. This woman's husband died 2.5 years ago, and apparently grandpa and her have been seeing quite a lot of each other in just the last couple of months. I got news yesterday that the lovebirds are getting married. The wedding is Nov. 27th, my dad's 55th birthday. I'm pretty damn excited. I'll save my rant about my late grandmother for another post, but I will inform you that this sweet 76 year old woman, Dorothy, is a much better person than my evil late grandmother and I couldn't be happier that he's marrying someone he loves and who is so kind. I'm glad he found someone new who makes him happy, it's been 8 years last month that grandma died, so it's about time he has a new live-in companion who can keep up with him. He's the most active 81 year old ever.

Well, I'm off to uptown to torture myself bugging more innocent victims to do these damn surveys.

What's with the surveys?
It was a day or 2 after I got mugged and my bike stolen so...normally I'm pretty nice.
Maybe start with what they get first then ask if they have a minute or 2.Have a pic of a super hottie (m or f) and ask if they would like a free massage from this person.