Before I get into my rant-like journal for today, I sadly inform you all that the Gopher football team lost to Ohio State today. Fuck.
Now on to my rambling.....
I want to get married.
I went to a bridal shower today of a friend from high school and though it was fun, I had a little pity party on the inside. I got all wrapped up in listening to her tells stories about their first kiss, first date, how he proposed, and how he surprises her with new things every day. Ug. That was supposed to be me! When Jon proposed, he wasn't supposed to take it back, who does that??? I'm too damn impatient for my own good. Or I'm just too fed up with living with my kid's father with no added benefits, besides financial and tha't not important to me. We're like the Frank and Marie from Everybody Love Raymond.
HOWEVER, we're SOOOO damn compatible it's not even funny, but something just isn't right about it (not counting the verbal abuse I take, that's somewhat provoked). The lovey doveyness is gone and that's really what I want - someone who wants to cuddle all the time and be affectionate, but not needy or controlling. My dude is good for me in most every other way than that - it's the little things: I love Almond Joy more than Mounds because Almond Joy is milk chocolate and Mounds is dark. I hate dark chocolate. And I hate almonds. So what do I do? I eat the Almond Joy and give Jon the almond. In another food reference, I'm one of those weird people that doesn't mind, almost PREFERS some foods burnt. Jon hates burnt food, so I gladly eat it. We love the same things, love the same sports teams, like the same foods (ie. sushi, potatoes, etc), he likes a morning shower and I prefer an evening shower, we can wear each other shoes, we like the same colors, and somehow it worked out that even the chores work well for us - I hate vaccuming and washing dishes, but he likes to do it, & he's not thrilled about washing, folding, and distributing laundry and I somewhat enjoy it....we just compliment each other well. But the "head over heels in love" is gone and that totally fucking sucks. I'm not digging the "roommates" situation. We're still best friends, but that's never going to be enough.
I want a guy who will tell me it's ok if I'm a bit on the chunky side; that there's more of me to love, someone who will propose to me in front of 15,000+ cheering people, someone who will tear up at the wedding and try to hide it, someone who will try to hold my hand for the whole reception because he's just that damn proud, someone who just wants to see me happy and surprise me and show me new things every day.
Where the hell is my guy?
Now on to my rambling.....
I want to get married.
I went to a bridal shower today of a friend from high school and though it was fun, I had a little pity party on the inside. I got all wrapped up in listening to her tells stories about their first kiss, first date, how he proposed, and how he surprises her with new things every day. Ug. That was supposed to be me! When Jon proposed, he wasn't supposed to take it back, who does that??? I'm too damn impatient for my own good. Or I'm just too fed up with living with my kid's father with no added benefits, besides financial and tha't not important to me. We're like the Frank and Marie from Everybody Love Raymond.

I want a guy who will tell me it's ok if I'm a bit on the chunky side; that there's more of me to love, someone who will propose to me in front of 15,000+ cheering people, someone who will tear up at the wedding and try to hide it, someone who will try to hold my hand for the whole reception because he's just that damn proud, someone who just wants to see me happy and surprise me and show me new things every day.
Where the hell is my guy?
ahahahha i am so fucking hungry.
yeah i was super drunk when i shot that set... I am suprised it turned out as well as it did.
You'll figure things out.