hey, i got a bonus day off today, so that's a 4 day weekend for me. i'm trying to get a hold of my buddy kyle so she and i can go to this funky all women gym she's a member of. but she sleeps till like 3:00 pm.. oh well, i wish i had $$ so i could join. those places are pricy as...
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heeeyyy!! i finally downloaded a program so i can shrink my photos to an aceptable size!!! i have more so soon i'll figure all this out and i'll have a real profile.
your drawing rules.
love maggie
love maggie
I love your back piece. Very nice.
hmmm... finals are on,and i'm rockin it with this great thing i'm starting today. so far it is really good.. if i do say so myself. so i'll probably get a month off before summer classes. i really need some kind of vacation. if i had the money and somone to go with i'd be off to universal. maybe i'll go anyway. sleep in the...
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For some reason I didn't really enjoy Universal when I was there. Granted, I was ten at the time, but it just seemed a pale reflection of the other parks, or maybe we were just burned out by the time we got to it. I'll get down there again eventually. Maybe.
Hope you get the vacation you need. It sucks when there's no one there to hang with.
Hope you get the vacation you need. It sucks when there's no one there to hang with.
oy... life can get pretty tough y'know? i'm so tired of this town, tired of school, tired of bills coming faster than i can handle. man i wish my dog would stop pacing around my apt!!! anyway i think i'll go read my book in bed. peace~
ahhh..... i submitted a plee for a college loan today. hopefully all will work out with that. i'd like to graduate.
my friends threw a huge house party last night, but of course sowe wierdo that no one know almost immediatly jumped off the roof into the pool naked and decided that for the rest of the night, naked he would remain. it was interesting.
BTW, my girlfriend's from Roberta, GA(just outside Money Macon). We're almost kinfolk.
An all women's gym sounds rather nice. heh. I suppose I couldn't get past the door.