I need more pictures of me. I just realized theres' only about 5 in existence. my mom has 2, my dad has 2 and there's 1 to the left of this entry. I got a few from my friends and parties, so i think i'm ok. now i have to figure out where to put them. Awesome.

Just a rant. why??? i dunno. probably because...
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So i'm putting this motorcycle calendar together and i had to cancel a month already because of weather. *sigh* i hate having a deadline. 12 months to shoot in 6 or 7 months, and i have to have a unique setting for each one. oh well. i'll stop bitchin.

javascript:insertSmilie('surreal');So has anyone seen the matrix: reloaded? That has to be the biggest shitfest that ever exited the bowels of hollywood. I mean the concept of the matrix is cool and all, but keanu reeves? really? I"ve been watching it instead of sleeping. I've never seen it, and it really doesn't have me. It's a little over the top i think. Ehh. If i...
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I never saw those!!!