While we're on the subject of Anime.

Go check out FLCL if you don't know it already.

I couldn't find a full episode but this is still pretty cool.

thank you for your help! kiss
Well the weekend was pretty good. Got to see the family that i haven't seen in quite some time. Stuffed as much pumpkin pie into my face as i possibly could, and then napped the rest of thursday into friday.

I also got to shoot with the lovely Miss Dismay this past saturday. Boy was that fun. I think it came out really well, but...
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FURI CURI - it's a series of episodes following our young protagonist who gets himself caught up in badly written anime as well as caught between two women (one of whom loves to hit him with her guitar and make giant robots spout from the bumps). Do a quick search for FLCL.
cool - will have to watch it now....great - yet another anime addiction for me.... kiss
Well, last night was fun. thats' about all i can say at this point. It sounds like someones setting a foghorn off right next to my head. Now comes the fun part of driving 2 hours to my Grandmothers for thanksgiving dinner (lunch). Egad.

Happy thanksgiving everybody.
The bell is about to ring for work today, and i'm going home to get ready to go out!!! Awesome. A night of free shots, dancing, and watching my friend own the bar.

If you are near York, PA tonite, come on out to the Hardware bar and get your drink on with us. We have a blast when we're there. SHould be 8 of...
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Let this be a lesson...

If you order something from someone's wishlist, make sure you take your time and be sure to check the box to send it to THEM instead of rushing through because you're ordering something online when you SHOULD be working. LOL. I'm sure everyobdy knows this already but i'm new to amazon.

Ughh. i've been feeling aweful for the past 3 days. I think i got hold of some bad chinese food. Ughhhhh....

so on another note, has anyone seen the Michael Richards meltdown video yet/?? you can find it on youtube.com. It's pretty ridiculous. i don't think i'll ever look at Cramer the same way again. Really really really out of line.


bok bok
oohh, i heard about it but havent seen it yet....i'll have to go look for it....
I had a story about wal-mart here eariler, but it seems so dumb right now i don't even think it's worth reading. It's a pity... i did waste a lot of time on it.

I've got no life.

My eyes have gone crossed from running paths around miniscule holes between lawn furniture. The things i do to make those blinds look perfect for the catalog. *sigh*. So.. it's time for a break and a blog. Nothing worth telling happened at the bar last night.

I did find out that my room mate's computer is a piece of shit though....
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the problem might be in going back and forth from mac to pc with the phone.
my slvr didn't like that too much...
2 in one day!!! i'm bored and there's not enough to do at work.

So anyway, congratulations to my good friend and ex-college roommate and his new bride. I wish i could've stayed at the reception longer, but i had a long drive to come back to work. frown Probalby one of the best wedding formals i've taken yet. LOL. Say congrats if you see them...
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So i go out to the bar alot. Sue me.

Tuesday is pork day. The greatest pulled pork sandwich you'll ever eat is at Stubby's on tuesdays. So i stop in to see the crew behind the bar and get my usual on when, in walk these 2 girls. they knew everybody too so i figured why not get to know 2 more new people....
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