Last night I went to another concert and it was such a blast! It was my favorite band headlining for the first time ever in north america. That group is called Smash Into Pieces from Sweden.
This was my 4th time seeing them perform because they just put on such an amazing show. They were performing with another group called Citizen Soldier who also did an incredible job. I was right by the stage which I love to be.
Not only have I developed a friendship with the band members of Smash Into Pieces over the years. They genuinely are excited to see me as much as I am to see them.
I talked with them before and after the show. For those that have been to concerts before it is fun to hear everyone else singing the songs too. This however was the first time I was really able to hear others singing it. Since every other time they've come (Smash) they've been a supporting act and no one else really knew who they were.
Music has saved my life and is a huge part of who I am. Made new friends, sang until I lost my voice. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Ooh one funny thing while waiting to go inside. I was wearing a Smash Into Pieces shirt someone thought I was security for the band because of my stature.