Hello all you beautiful people. Hope you are doing fantastic. Few friends wanted a weekend getaway to get away from all the stupid snow we keep getting in the state I live in. We rented a few airbnbs to stay in which was interesting since I've never stayed in one. Drove 5 hours south to stop in a small town called Hurricane in Utah (pronounced Hurr i kun) idk why it is pronounced that way. The place was very nice
We didn't do anything massively exciting since we ultimately just wanted to get to somewhere warmer which turned out to be up in the 70s (21c) and sunny compared to 30s (-1c) with snow and rain. We ate at a locally owned steak house in La Verkin called Stage Coach Grille. Expensive but probably the best damn steak and fries I've ever had. I never take food pictures but I had to for this meal.
Took my xbox with us and we played games and enjoyed each others company. On Saturday we went to the pool in the resort we were staying at early morning to enjoy the sun.
After some sun and fun we enjoyed some lunch and relaxation, but a few wanted to go back to the pool to sit in the hot tub after the sun went down. I decided to go with because why not. It was sundown and a bunch of teens were playing in the main pool which was fine, but we noticed a bunch of flying things over the pool. We noticed they were bats diving down to get water which was kinda cool to watch. My friend Melissa and I went to put our legs in the pool to cool down a bit and she jerked her legs out of the water quickly wondering what touched her. There was this tiny little brown bat swimming for its life trying to get out. Well all the teen girls started screaming but I quickly grabbed my sandal putting it in the water under the bat. It instantly grabbed onto my shoe giving me a chance to move it to safety.
shortly after we went back to the room because my friend Mckenna did not like how the bats were flying so close. Enjoyed the rest of the night and drove back this morning. It was mostly uneventful until 60 miles from home I hit something in the road that put a hole in my tire. A quick stop at a gas station to buy fixaflat made it home. Besides having to probably replace a tire tomorrow it was a good weekend. How was everyone else's weekend?