Howdy interwebs pals! Happy easter or passover or whatever the fuck your deal is. Hopefully you are near those you love 
Things have been satisfying in the SG sets department; I have been steady and busy building up an awesome backlog. It's a nice problem to have and I'm grateful to everyone that has been supportive of my work.
Lots of stuff has gone down since last time, for instance Tigh went pink with our set, Precious Cargo
I also shot down for a super quick trip to LA for the SG book tour stop at Meltdown Comics. It was really really great to see Missy again and to finally meet Sean who was really supportive and gave me some great shooting tips for my outdoor sets. Caught up with some familiar SG faces as well as many I'd never met before. So much hotness in one place!! An amazing turnout for a really wonderfully put together book I am proud to keep on my coffee table. If you don't have it yet; get your shit together and order it right away! Oh, and btw look who showed up to the book signing!!!

Watched Harmony Korine's latest flick Spring Breakers; and you should too. It won't change your life or anything, but it's well done and it's good to support original narratives not based on an existing IP. Plus, James Franco totally CRUSHES in this role.

I do have new sets in some stage of doneness coming from Patton, July, Toxic, Kurosune, Juturna, Jensen, Bradley, and Alicee among others. I'm traveling up to the bay area and the pacific northwest soon as well; and I will be shooting awesome sets with ridiculously hot ladies of course!
Keep your eyes peeled for this new hotness coming to MR very soon!

Hopeful AyumiDoll

Joey in her first set in many years!


Vegas SG is coming back in a BIG way!!!
Thanks again to those of you that dig my work, please check out my other MR sets if you haven't already and shower them in genuine or insincere love. Your choice. They are with the gorgeous Bixton, Szuter, and sheenarose92.
See ya soon!!

Things have been satisfying in the SG sets department; I have been steady and busy building up an awesome backlog. It's a nice problem to have and I'm grateful to everyone that has been supportive of my work.
Lots of stuff has gone down since last time, for instance Tigh went pink with our set, Precious Cargo

I also shot down for a super quick trip to LA for the SG book tour stop at Meltdown Comics. It was really really great to see Missy again and to finally meet Sean who was really supportive and gave me some great shooting tips for my outdoor sets. Caught up with some familiar SG faces as well as many I'd never met before. So much hotness in one place!! An amazing turnout for a really wonderfully put together book I am proud to keep on my coffee table. If you don't have it yet; get your shit together and order it right away! Oh, and btw look who showed up to the book signing!!!

Watched Harmony Korine's latest flick Spring Breakers; and you should too. It won't change your life or anything, but it's well done and it's good to support original narratives not based on an existing IP. Plus, James Franco totally CRUSHES in this role.

I do have new sets in some stage of doneness coming from Patton, July, Toxic, Kurosune, Juturna, Jensen, Bradley, and Alicee among others. I'm traveling up to the bay area and the pacific northwest soon as well; and I will be shooting awesome sets with ridiculously hot ladies of course!
Keep your eyes peeled for this new hotness coming to MR very soon!

Hopeful AyumiDoll

Joey in her first set in many years!


Vegas SG is coming back in a BIG way!!!
Thanks again to those of you that dig my work, please check out my other MR sets if you haven't already and shower them in genuine or insincere love. Your choice. They are with the gorgeous Bixton, Szuter, and sheenarose92.
See ya soon!!
Yay!! I'm excited. Looking forward to seeing the other sets=]
So excited for you! You seem like a truly awesome dude inside and out. I can't wait to work with you!