Goodbye SG
If you're reading this, you're probably irreparably bored or, by mere happenstance, you might be a friend. Regardless, this will be the last of my rarely posted Journals on SG. I'm surprised that I have as many as I already do...
Anyway, things aren't going great... I cleared the air with a good friend of mine, but that caused the air between me and my father to become combustible. My friend said that it was a likely a good thing telling my dad that things were better between us. He wants me out of the house by the end of the week, of which I'm more than happy to oblige. I can't be around him and think... he's stifling... he stifles my creativity... my want to succeed...
Another friend said that I should get out of the venomous situation and she offered to let me stay in a room at her and her husband's house. So I need to figure out how I'm going to get all my things out of the house (all my books will be the biggest venture) after I find out where my friend lives, if she'll have me, I'll start trying to get it out of the house.
Also in the news of my lackluster battles won, I'm dropping out of a horrendous Psych 101 class. I swear, I haven't learned shit from this Professor. He blathers on about semi-related bullshit that's all out of order, filled with long pauses and his disturbing sense of humor. But all my friends suggest I ignore what he says and read the text. THAT IS SHITTY TEACHING METHODS. I don't care about getting a permanent fucking "W" for withdrawal, I've missed two test (the fucker won't let you make anything up, either) and failed the one test I have taken. We're not even learning about psychology, we're discussing fucking physiology! Argh. I needed to get that off my chest.
Moving on, I'm changing my major strictly to English because I thought about the Zoology major and... I don't want to be in school for ten more years, I really don't. I'm going to teach English in Japan if I can get accepted into an overseas teaching program, that is after I get a Bachelor's in English. I also have to make sure I have a pulse around that time or the whole plan is fucked.
Hm. I think that's it.
Oh, and money's a tight commodity so I can't afford to stay up to date with the day-by-day updating site, so it's really a liability than anything positive.
To those who will be considered friends, thanks, I appreciate it. To anyone else that has actually read this far... you're patient, I'll give you that. Anyone want to get in touch with me, drop a line to
Later all. Take care.
One last thing, if you get the chance check out the Sir Apropos of Nothing series by Peter David, definitely do. Wonderful reads. Highly reccommended.
Stay frosty.
If you're reading this, you're probably irreparably bored or, by mere happenstance, you might be a friend. Regardless, this will be the last of my rarely posted Journals on SG. I'm surprised that I have as many as I already do...
Anyway, things aren't going great... I cleared the air with a good friend of mine, but that caused the air between me and my father to become combustible. My friend said that it was a likely a good thing telling my dad that things were better between us. He wants me out of the house by the end of the week, of which I'm more than happy to oblige. I can't be around him and think... he's stifling... he stifles my creativity... my want to succeed...
Another friend said that I should get out of the venomous situation and she offered to let me stay in a room at her and her husband's house. So I need to figure out how I'm going to get all my things out of the house (all my books will be the biggest venture) after I find out where my friend lives, if she'll have me, I'll start trying to get it out of the house.
Also in the news of my lackluster battles won, I'm dropping out of a horrendous Psych 101 class. I swear, I haven't learned shit from this Professor. He blathers on about semi-related bullshit that's all out of order, filled with long pauses and his disturbing sense of humor. But all my friends suggest I ignore what he says and read the text. THAT IS SHITTY TEACHING METHODS. I don't care about getting a permanent fucking "W" for withdrawal, I've missed two test (the fucker won't let you make anything up, either) and failed the one test I have taken. We're not even learning about psychology, we're discussing fucking physiology! Argh. I needed to get that off my chest.
Moving on, I'm changing my major strictly to English because I thought about the Zoology major and... I don't want to be in school for ten more years, I really don't. I'm going to teach English in Japan if I can get accepted into an overseas teaching program, that is after I get a Bachelor's in English. I also have to make sure I have a pulse around that time or the whole plan is fucked.
Hm. I think that's it.
Oh, and money's a tight commodity so I can't afford to stay up to date with the day-by-day updating site, so it's really a liability than anything positive.
To those who will be considered friends, thanks, I appreciate it. To anyone else that has actually read this far... you're patient, I'll give you that. Anyone want to get in touch with me, drop a line to
Later all. Take care.
One last thing, if you get the chance check out the Sir Apropos of Nothing series by Peter David, definitely do. Wonderful reads. Highly reccommended.
Stay frosty.
A megalixir would totally be awesome right now.