Goodbye SG

If you're reading this, you're probably irreparably bored or, by mere happenstance, you might be a friend. Regardless, this will be the last of my rarely posted Journals on SG. I'm surprised that I have as many as I already do...
Anyway, things aren't going great... I cleared the air with a good friend of mine, but that caused the air between me...
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A megalixir would totally be awesome right now.
Testing testing...
This just in... CBW is a lazy bitch.
Classes start next week. *_*;
Gotta do some studying, goddammit.
happy new year~
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!! biggrin
Say "Yay for midnight release parties!"
No seriously, say it!
Halo 2 is beautiful, fun, and outright kick ass!
Honestly I have only gotten to downtown Mombasa, but I'll mention more of it as I progress. For now, I'm going to think about working on my Japanese school work. Yay.
Ja ne!
So last night I decided to shave for a change, get off my lazy ass and such.
A friend of mine I chatted with--she's a pretty talented writer, no matter what she says--helped sparked my creativity. Yay.
Maybe I'll stop procrastinating and get to working on my novel again? Hey, I can dream. ;-;
I meant Tokyo Steakhouse in Findlay. I've never been to Cridersville, but I pass the exit a lot on 75. I added your SN to my buddy list, so if we are ever online at the same time, we can chat it up.
Oh, okay. That's a restaurant in Columbus. Wanted to eat there but never went inside, figured it'd be expensive as hell.
Well anyway, yes, I look forward to chatting with you some time. Take care. Stay frosty!
Evening and a Happy Halloween to all of you.
I don't know what else to add...
I'm a total geek/otaku/dork and have been playing the hell out of Dead or Alive Ultimate. Almost broke my controller twenty-some times. Jann Lee and Ein are cheap ass fucktards. Jann Lee especially.
Red vs Blue kicks all your asses.
Halo 2 Monday night, 12:01 release.
Hells yeah.