It's depressing to think that my little sister is far more sexually experienced than I am. An adult male who hasn't gotten as far as his 14-year-old sister is a sad sight indeed. What's even sadder is that she actually hasn't even done all that much. In fact, as far as I know, she's still a virgin. That alone probably says a lot about me. Not that the amount of sex you do or don't have measures you as a person in any way whatsoever...but there's just something so pathetic about a guy who's in his second year of college and still hasn't had a real first kiss. Sort of sloppily kissing a drunk girl with herpes who can't stand on her own accord doesn't count. To be honest, I'm not even entirely sure if our lips touched. Knowing me, I probably kissed the corner of her mouth. I could refer to the video, but I would rather not. It brings back bad, dirty memories that I need to bottle up. I'm really not even sure why I'm rambling on about all of this. I don't even care all that much about making out and having sex with girls. Cuddle time is far more important. So, I'm going to say that instead of it being sad that I have absolutely no experience, it's sad that my sister already has as much as she does. While I'm watching reruns of Gilmore Girls, she's out getting oral sex. The poor girl. She isn't even old or smart enough to know how to enjoy it.null