life is speeding by at an alarming rate right now. one day bleeds into the next and i'm left wondering where i've been, and where the hell i'm going. too many mornings spent swearing off liquid courage and too many afternoons spent trying to figure out how i got home the night before. i got in a fight with a pumpkin last night. in my...
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*covering pumpkin's ears*
"there, there, baby...he didn't mean anything by that"

Krafty, you should know better than to say that in front of impressionable pumpkins!!!

I carved a jack-o-lantern on Halloween. It has a witch on it. I should throw it away, but right now it is on the railing of my balcony and it is taking all of my willpower to keep myself from just shoving it off of the edge and watching it roll into the street.

I should quit denying myself.