Man i am tired went out last nigt with a new girl I met and she danced my ass off ( OH waight I don't have an ass) . Go see Wallace or should I say Wallass for that!! what a nice one. Then to the library for a sunday morning study fest, then to work till 11 PM and then home by 12 am WHEW . I need to slow down I am not that young anymore. On another note is anyone as excitd as me that the Minutemen documentary We Jam Econo is coming to San Fran I will drive there to see this film, 4 hours is worth it. Any one want to go I'm buyin. Hope you all are well.
Le Bok

the docu looks cool! aww the singer died right around the time i was born 

Well thanks, that makes me feel grrreat! Like tony the tiger. Whee!