Sick to death of this shit! So I spend 2 weeks waighting for this band audition to happen. I call my work and make up some lame excuse why I cant make it in ( lost out on a 150.00 bucks by the way), and the frigin girl that sings with us cant make it to the audition. The new drummer and guitar player are really good, and they are trusting me on my word that we have a good singer.They don't want to drive across town unless she will be there, so with aplogies all around I have to rechedule everything. I just want to play bass man, I don't want to be a f-ing babysitter and lose money in the process. Wheew got that off my chest, on a slightly lighter note had some quality time with my ex-wife today, ahhh she is still the apple of my black eye
Ranting sucks ,but sometimes is neccesary. Hope all is well. I actually paid attention to my punctuation this time
Le Bok

LALALALALALA i'm very excited right now cuz i'm 'sampling' the yeah yeah yeahs.
i'm still ripping my hair out. but it will all be over soon. soon.
'blog' sort of looks like'rant' if you squint hard enough.
are you still playing k o l? i don't know what to call the clan. i don't want to start it if there is no one to join it.