Going to the club tonight My friend Lwana is from Brazil and is leaving so we are having a going away fiesta for her .. Ok I need to ask an Ethics question here , when I go to the club and I inevitabley meet a girl, 8 out of 10 times shes between the age of 23 to 26 now from looking at the profile you all know I am slightly older than that but I am so young looking, guess it's the genes. Now ususally I invoke the Don't ask Don't tell policy, but.... ok heres the question what do I do if they ask me , Usually I am honest and things ususally work out but my roomate sais to lie to them and tell them I am 28 , I tried this 2 times and felt shiiiity, and dishonest ...so what are your opinions on this i would love to know
Oh yah went to In n Out burger and being a vegetarian had a grilled sheese blech
What is the fasination with this place . My stomach is on fire, maybe I should go take a....

nice pic from brazil..that roach is mad big dude... you found it in the hotel room?