Ok so shit is fucked up I am back from Brazil I am trying to sell my house and my roomate lets his puppy shit all over the place in the house it smells and now I have to clean the carpets fuuuuuck gotta goto school tomorrow and I am broke as a joke , Ahhhhhh but wasn't it worth every bit of this crap I have returned to, Severus you leavin? I know you said your coming back but f--- aint gonna be no fun without you here in the next couple days I will update everyone with pics don't know how they will turn out I broke my digi there and had to switch to a friggin point and shoot silly, went to the store today and turned in ten rolls of film theyl be ready in 2 days hope all is well in SG decided to change my days off and give this band thing one more try ..... but trying to get those little punks together for a practice is horrible, brought back lots of music if anyone is interested I will burn for (tchau para agora)

i knew a puppy once who was attention staved and flung its poo on the walls and in her shoes
good luck with getting your bearings back!