Ess Gee! How are thee?! I'm home again and snorting in the warm, cinnamon-smelling blankety caress of home...ahhh content...
Life is cool at the moment; lots of work, play and general frolicing
Ali (the superduperamazingbestguyintheworldlykeevurrr who bought me this account out of the lovelyness of his heart and credit card) left for New York a couple of weeks back to work for the U.N for a year. He is very awesome indeed. Yes, indeed.
He is my fellow drunken gurning limpet partybum! I miss him. Haha though, what the flip?>! My chesticles look like cows udders in that piccy! Or like Stimpys face from Ren and Stimpy...
Hope you're all doing well out there in cyberspace
Sorry I'm so boring...one day i shall have exciting tales and captivating storypies but until then i'll keep blabbing on about shite
Shit on a shingle though! I went to my mates the other day and she'd just bought "The L Word" on dvd....shithawtandgoddaaaamn how spiggin hot is Shane?!
*gush gush gush!*
Now I'm no lesbinum but eek oh eeeeeek she. is. HOT like wizzoaaaaaaah!
Ess Gee! How are thee?! I'm home again and snorting in the warm, cinnamon-smelling blankety caress of home...ahhh content...

Life is cool at the moment; lots of work, play and general frolicing

Ali (the superduperamazingbestguyintheworldlykeevurrr who bought me this account out of the lovelyness of his heart and credit card) left for New York a couple of weeks back to work for the U.N for a year. He is very awesome indeed. Yes, indeed.

He is my fellow drunken gurning limpet partybum! I miss him. Haha though, what the flip?>! My chesticles look like cows udders in that piccy! Or like Stimpys face from Ren and Stimpy...


Hope you're all doing well out there in cyberspace

Shit on a shingle though! I went to my mates the other day and she'd just bought "The L Word" on dvd....shithawtandgoddaaaamn how spiggin hot is Shane?!

*gush gush gush!*
Now I'm no lesbinum but eek oh eeeeeek she. is. HOT like wizzoaaaaaaah!

was thinking it would be nice to organise a mini meet in about a month or so, just a few drinks or sumin, if you were interested ?
super cool hair too
and yes shane is very very hot