Hello again!
Woo I've got myself some friends! And very lovely friends they are too. Thank you
Well...Christmas is over again for another year, rrrubbish!
Was ace though; I ate, drank and was very merry. Eat being the operative word. I ate. Woah boy did i eat
I'm pretty sure if I kept going for a few weeks I could cultivate my lurve handles into one big insulating chub blanket, like a huge foreskin for my torso right upto my chin...which would actually be very resourceful in this weather. A bit corkin nippy noodles innit?! Brrrrrr
Got some vair, vair goot darn rootin tootin prezzents including...
Hellz yeeehaaaah...leopard print kitties *purrrrrr*
Hopes you all had gooduns too and are looking forward to some nutcase new years eve shindigery!
Woo I've got myself some friends! And very lovely friends they are too. Thank you

Well...Christmas is over again for another year, rrrubbish!
Was ace though; I ate, drank and was very merry. Eat being the operative word. I ate. Woah boy did i eat

Got some vair, vair goot darn rootin tootin prezzents including...

Hellz yeeehaaaah...leopard print kitties *purrrrrr*
Hopes you all had gooduns too and are looking forward to some nutcase new years eve shindigery!

alas, i will not be attending city on new years eve as i have to be in work new years day at 6am