so i read this book, citizen girl. i bought it because the authors wrote a book that i really liked, the nanny diaries. well, citizen girl was not so good. since when do women like to read books about how their bosses, men, and the world are all against them? it was the devil wears prada meets feminist chick meets porn, but it wasn't coherent at all. i read maybe 50% "good" books to 50% fluff chick lit books. it's been a long time since i read a really entertaining fluff book though. maybe i'll stick to the quality books from now on. i have been meaning to try neuromancer again. anyone have any reading suggestions???
i, too, had a seriously suburban whitebread upbringing, and was myself very whitebread for a long time. my parents were never weird or out-of-step with suburbia, but they trusted their kids and allowed us to think and be who we wanted to be. i think today they love me more because i live in the near-ghetto, have a couple tattoos, and quit the corporate world at the peak of my career years.
we're gonna talk like this for a while then get together for coffee. i'm quite sure of it.
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