Taking my first absence of the semester as we speak. I went to my last class, Science Fiction and Culture, because I adore the prof (I've had this guy for three other classes), the material, the students in it... it's just an overall awesome class and I want to try to go as much as I can.
So then I was GOING to go to my next class, Literature and Film, but I went back to my room to get my books and got hit with... ah, some indigestion... and realized that I'd be sitting on the terlit (as the locals might say--okay, well, no, they wouldn't, but they might say it if I was ALABAMA MAAN!!!...which, thank <deity of choice>, I'm not) for about 10 minutes over the inception of class. Which is no good.
So I called my prof, left him a message letting him know I wouldn't be in because I needed to rest, but that I'd be working in the Writing Center tonight (he's also my supervisor there), and I'm sorry, will get assignments later, etc etc. Drinking a bunch of water should help. Still lame, though.
AND, despite this, I have to go over to the Theatre Department--for the MILLIONTH TIME--to get signatures for my costuming practicum... Long story short, I'm doing this thing outside of my department (English), and the head of the Theatre Department won't approve the practicum until all the OTHER Theatre faculty have. Only, oh yeah: THEY'RE NEVER AROUND. And the add classes period ended yesterday, so the Assistant Dean of Academics--thankfully, another prof of mine--had the Registrar just put it on my schedule temporarily.
The bottom line is that I have to jump through all kinds of hoops like some kind of crazy hoop-jumping monkey--WITH indigestion--and you can imagine the kind of mess that would cause. Especially because monkeys throw their own poop around.
You know, I bet if I indulged in poop-lobbing, I could really get some shit (HAHA, i r teh funnay) done.
Theatre assholes.
So then I was GOING to go to my next class, Literature and Film, but I went back to my room to get my books and got hit with... ah, some indigestion... and realized that I'd be sitting on the terlit (as the locals might say--okay, well, no, they wouldn't, but they might say it if I was ALABAMA MAAN!!!...which, thank <deity of choice>, I'm not) for about 10 minutes over the inception of class. Which is no good.
So I called my prof, left him a message letting him know I wouldn't be in because I needed to rest, but that I'd be working in the Writing Center tonight (he's also my supervisor there), and I'm sorry, will get assignments later, etc etc. Drinking a bunch of water should help. Still lame, though.
AND, despite this, I have to go over to the Theatre Department--for the MILLIONTH TIME--to get signatures for my costuming practicum... Long story short, I'm doing this thing outside of my department (English), and the head of the Theatre Department won't approve the practicum until all the OTHER Theatre faculty have. Only, oh yeah: THEY'RE NEVER AROUND. And the add classes period ended yesterday, so the Assistant Dean of Academics--thankfully, another prof of mine--had the Registrar just put it on my schedule temporarily.
The bottom line is that I have to jump through all kinds of hoops like some kind of crazy hoop-jumping monkey--WITH indigestion--and you can imagine the kind of mess that would cause. Especially because monkeys throw their own poop around.
You know, I bet if I indulged in poop-lobbing, I could really get some shit (HAHA, i r teh funnay) done.
Theatre assholes.

You win "Greatest Post Ever Award" for referencing Alabama Man.
Gave it to a giant blue muppet.