Yay for still more awesome new iconage! Embrace the wings. Love the wings. BE the wings.
Be the wings or die, mother fuckers.
I have not written this paper on The House of the Seven Gables.
Why? Because I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do.
Why? Because we never really talked about the major themes of the book in class; and if we did, not only do I not have notes on them, but we did so approximately around September 15th, even though the assignment on the book was just given out last week. How the shit am I supposed to know anything about a book we haven't talked about for a month and a half? More, how the shit am I supposed to write an analysis/characterization of a character when the list we compiled with said character's traits in class--which we were promised on several occasions by my professor would be distributed specifically to help with this assignment-- was never fucking distributed?
I would very much liked to have spoken to my prof about this, but we didn't have class on Tuesday. And, oh yeah; he's never here ever, which I know because I walked by his office about 30 times today and he wasn't here. Tomorrow, I will attend class and then I will reason with him. I think it would be totally fair for me to take a major grade dock for turning it in late, but I ALSO think that because my prof doesn't return ANYTHING until at least three weeks after we've turned it in--I think it's his personal policy--he's in no position to get his panties in a wad if I give the damn thing to him Friday instead of Thursday morning.
This is the reasoning I will use with him.
Also, I will telekinetically alter my eye color to be slightly bluer, larger, and more innocent than normal, thereby seizing control of his mind and bending it to my will.
And, just so that it doesn't look like I'm completely justifying my scholastic ineptitude by blaming others:
I, in a fit of frustration, threw my book in the school's fountain.
But I pulled it out again!
...But then I threw it in the trash.
But none of that was my fault, either! Nolan_Void made me do it. He said he'd kill a puppy if I didn't, and he'd keep on killing puppies every two minutes until I did.
Isn't Nolan mean?
He's TOTALLY mean.
Thus, no paper for Cav, and a WORLD of trouble for Nolan when our prof finds out he's got a litter of innocent puppies locked up and ready for slaughter in some seedy basement somewhere.
Shame on you, Nolan_Void.
Be the wings or die, mother fuckers.
I have not written this paper on The House of the Seven Gables.
Why? Because I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to do.
Why? Because we never really talked about the major themes of the book in class; and if we did, not only do I not have notes on them, but we did so approximately around September 15th, even though the assignment on the book was just given out last week. How the shit am I supposed to know anything about a book we haven't talked about for a month and a half? More, how the shit am I supposed to write an analysis/characterization of a character when the list we compiled with said character's traits in class--which we were promised on several occasions by my professor would be distributed specifically to help with this assignment-- was never fucking distributed?
I would very much liked to have spoken to my prof about this, but we didn't have class on Tuesday. And, oh yeah; he's never here ever, which I know because I walked by his office about 30 times today and he wasn't here. Tomorrow, I will attend class and then I will reason with him. I think it would be totally fair for me to take a major grade dock for turning it in late, but I ALSO think that because my prof doesn't return ANYTHING until at least three weeks after we've turned it in--I think it's his personal policy--he's in no position to get his panties in a wad if I give the damn thing to him Friday instead of Thursday morning.
This is the reasoning I will use with him.
Also, I will telekinetically alter my eye color to be slightly bluer, larger, and more innocent than normal, thereby seizing control of his mind and bending it to my will.
And, just so that it doesn't look like I'm completely justifying my scholastic ineptitude by blaming others:
I, in a fit of frustration, threw my book in the school's fountain.
But I pulled it out again!
...But then I threw it in the trash.
But none of that was my fault, either! Nolan_Void made me do it. He said he'd kill a puppy if I didn't, and he'd keep on killing puppies every two minutes until I did.
Isn't Nolan mean?
He's TOTALLY mean.
Thus, no paper for Cav, and a WORLD of trouble for Nolan when our prof finds out he's got a litter of innocent puppies locked up and ready for slaughter in some seedy basement somewhere.
Shame on you, Nolan_Void.
I'm so mean when I'm dead.
I should have voted for Domokun.