So, holy crap, I'm back. I've been gone for, what, a year or something? And I've only forked over enough dough to keep a membership here for a month; I've done this primarily because I did a few artistic renderings of various naked ladies 'round these here parts, and I figure I'd better have their permission before I try to, you know, sell said drawings. 'cause probably they'll want a cut, though I hope they don't. At the very least, they'll want a small chunk of my soul. THAT, at least, I can afford. I mean, I've already pawned so much of it off already, what's a little more, right? Right.
Guess I'd better update my profile now.
ETA: P.S.: More naked pics! Or, semi-naked pics. Because no one wants to see me ACTUALLY naked. That's just terrifying.
Guess I'd better update my profile now.
ETA: P.S.: More naked pics! Or, semi-naked pics. Because no one wants to see me ACTUALLY naked. That's just terrifying.
Randomly browsing pictures and noticed that you 'just so happened' to have American Gods and Enders' Game posing next to you.
Those are some amazing reads. Bravo on the pics and the art. I've really let my drawing slip by the wayside and am kicking myself for it constantly.

What's up doc. I'm sorta back. Drop me a line or two.