sick. fever. chills. coughing up lungs. its cold. have been in bed for 2 days. 1sg made me stay back during missions to get rest. what the fuck. now i feel like a shitbag. i pulled a 6hr guard shift. he yelled when he found out. i don't like haveing my guys go out of the wire when i am not allowed to. the more experience in the trucks, the better chance they have of not getting attacked or blown up. plus my truck has a combined total of 4 months of combat experience, with out me on the the truck. the TC needs all the help he can get. blah.

Your Sargent is only looking out for you. Most people have trouble consontrating and staying focus because their body is to busy being sick. He probally oes want to see anything happen to you or your men because of cold.
Hopefully you can shake this thing and get back in the field with your men. Im sure you spend most of the time you have been in bed worrying about them. That is why you are good leader. You put concern for you men before yourself.
I hope you get better soon.....
it sucks, I know. I spent three weeks as a radio watch after my ankle injury in Fallujah, but I wouldn't have been much help hobbling along, slowing people up.
your job is to kick the sickness and get back in the war.
hope it gets gone quickly.