hi. update. not really. just a new date. not much change really. other than awesome girlfriend now. and she's moving with me. yay. i win. yet so does she. i like it. anyhoo....that's all i got. happy me go.
It figure that you home finially and now I'm out of town! It would be great to see you on Firday but I understand the call of duty! Hope you had fun while you were home!
Hey, if you are still sending stuff out for the Penpals group, I'd love something too! Whatever you want to send would be awesome! I love getting weird stuff from people overseas!
so its somwhere in between 60 and 80 days until i get home on leave. while i can't wait. i dont think i want to expose myself to so many damned people. especially when a lot of people don't get it, and won't get it.
Congratulations on getting to go home and if you can, call the person you're staying with or if you're going to your own place call someone close and tell them that you want to see everyone but in pairs mostly.
and my boyfriend is going to try and go for journalism.. I don't know what and MOS is..
SPC Jeffrey Nichols...
1 may 2008 baghdad iraq...
the best damned FISTer wannabe cav scout i've ever met...
thanks for keeping me safe the last time we were over here man...
i'm gonna miss you pickles
i'd let you into fiddler's green if i had my way...
fuck the citizens of this shithole country for letting people plant bombs....
we have a rotation schedule for being out in sector.
we never follow that. some times it's 10 days in sector. sometimes it's 20. fucking getting old.
some more friends got hurt. that's a a bitch. and another friend's strive for a better looking stronger body destroyed his liver and got him sent home.
ive been shot at. mortared. rocketed. and still have somehow... Read More