Monkey: Journey to the West is debuting in Charleston @ Spoleto. Can this be for fucking real? I have wanted to see the opera since I heard about it & NEVER thought that IF it came the the US that it would come ANYWHERE near me OR that I would be able to afford the tickets!
Not only was I planning on being in Columbia during that time anyway, but it's only $65 a ticket & it's playing for 3 weeks in a row. I also have a personal day I can take paid to have an extra day off PLUS it's playing during matinee times on a few days so I wouldn't have to drive back at night.
I've seen Bobby McFerrin in concert.
I've met Eve Ensler.
I'm going to New Orleans with my mam for V to the Tenth.
& Monkey is playing IN MY STATE & I CAN GO????????????
Is the sky falling?
It all rocks so much I can't stand myself!
Not only was I planning on being in Columbia during that time anyway, but it's only $65 a ticket & it's playing for 3 weeks in a row. I also have a personal day I can take paid to have an extra day off PLUS it's playing during matinee times on a few days so I wouldn't have to drive back at night.
I've seen Bobby McFerrin in concert.
I've met Eve Ensler.
I'm going to New Orleans with my mam for V to the Tenth.
& Monkey is playing IN MY STATE & I CAN GO????????????
Is the sky falling?
It all rocks so much I can't stand myself!

The show looks absolutely mad - Enjoy yourself.