Tomorrow (Monday - which technically speaking is today) Eve Ensler is speaking in Clemson & then performing the Vagina Monologues. && Doing a book signing. I am very excited about this! I've alwasy wanted to see the play, but let's face it! I live in the south & repression is still Queen, so the performances aren't very well publicised. The only way I found out about this is because a chickie came in today to buy a copy & mentioned it. I had to do some serious finagling to get out of work early (ok not really - they pretty much said ok right off the bat), but I got it done. I had to make room for some overtime to be lost anyway. Soooo, I'm leaving work at 1530 tomorrow & driving up to the botanical gardens - from there I have to figure out exactly where this place is. Behind some trees was not the clearest set of directions I have ever received! Here's the thing though - I have wanted to see this production for about 9 years. I've always missed it. Hell, I missed it just LAST MONTH!!! Now, due to fortuitous circumstance, not only do I get to see it, but I get to see HER as well. The creator of the entire thing! How absolutely lucky can a girl get? Last week it was half priced Bobby McFerrin tickets - this week it's the Vagina Monologues with Eve Ensler? Karma might be finally making some time for me! I hope it goes well, no broken down cars lol - & if you're going to be near Clemson I hope to see you there. Not in a stalker-y way or anything though...
This is the listing for the event! For details navigate to the next page.
This is the listing for the event! For details navigate to the next page.
Hope you enjoyed the show.
Have you been up to anything cool?