my life is in the shitter
i seriously hate so much of it it sucks
my bank account is negative because charges that i forgot about took over 4 days to go through, so then i get dinged with $25 charge per overdraft
so thats at least $50 so far for me, and i took out $100 (which is why i ran out of money) to get matt's account out of the hole
so thats $150 that banks, becuase they are SO in need of my money, make off of two poor college students, when they are already making money off our money
those mother fuckers
and my period is late which doesnt help with my stress , im really hope its due to drugs and not a parasite living in my uterus
fuck just the thought of that is horrifying
i think im gonna die
i seriously hate so much of it it sucks
my bank account is negative because charges that i forgot about took over 4 days to go through, so then i get dinged with $25 charge per overdraft
so thats at least $50 so far for me, and i took out $100 (which is why i ran out of money) to get matt's account out of the hole
so thats $150 that banks, becuase they are SO in need of my money, make off of two poor college students, when they are already making money off our money
those mother fuckers
and my period is late which doesnt help with my stress , im really hope its due to drugs and not a parasite living in my uterus
fuck just the thought of that is horrifying
i think im gonna die