i have to take my orientation final today. not too worried. but my university studies portfolio is due tomorrow. i dont really feel like doing it. i may just not do it. whihc will fail me in the class and i'll have to makeit up which would suck balls but oh welllllllll. i dunno. i dont honestly know what to do . the frontpage i need to use is only in cramer which is fucking retarded if you ask me. and that makes my life miserable. maybe i'll go work on it a wee bit later because i cant be 100% lazy although i'd like to be.
im so happy i just hooked up the internet stuff here. wow i'm super smaaart. yeah
amanda and i as roomates is nice. a few litlte mishaps here and there and arguements. but we are still in the stage of biting our tongues at one another. which in case you didnt knoiw me, isnt something I do often enough. But its just the small stuf like, me smoking, and me cooking and then her not doing dishes. I cooked dinner for us and two of our friends last night, and its still all sitting there. the only stuff that got put away, was from ME. So i dont think that is fair since i had to do everything for dinner.
thats just my opinion
im so happy i just hooked up the internet stuff here. wow i'm super smaaart. yeah
amanda and i as roomates is nice. a few litlte mishaps here and there and arguements. but we are still in the stage of biting our tongues at one another. which in case you didnt knoiw me, isnt something I do often enough. But its just the small stuf like, me smoking, and me cooking and then her not doing dishes. I cooked dinner for us and two of our friends last night, and its still all sitting there. the only stuff that got put away, was from ME. So i dont think that is fair since i had to do everything for dinner.
thats just my opinion