i cannot fucking sleep. of all nights. i have to be at work in about four and a half hours and i cannot sleep. And then i have french class. And then i get to wait around for an hour anda half before amanda gets outta class. and THEN i get to drive two hours to astoria
to see the lovely joe
the coast guard
and if tomorrow (excuse me, i forgot its almost morning... if tonight) goes shitty i am gonna be so mad. i want tomorrow to go awesome. I didnt do my french paper tonihgt, i stayed up and made Joe delicious cookies. and i fucked up the first batch so i made a SECOND batch that turned out good.
if i dont end up sleeping, snuggling, spooning, in his bed with him tomorrow night you can expect some heads to roll
i sound angry i know
but i really like this boy. i do not know why. i just do. sometimes you JUST DO. and i want tomorrow to be cute and adorable and i want to skip on the beach with him.
my foot hurts.
i want to hear 'hold my heart (part one)" by letter kills as we kiss into the wee hours of the night. I want him to be so smitten with me that his fellow coast guards will make fun of him on the boat. and i want them to wonder how he got such a hottie (ha oh dear wanting of vanity). i want him to be smiling tomorrow morning on the boat and when someone asks him why he has such a dumb grin on his face i want him to say 'because my girl is coming....well not MY girl but i wish she was" because i'd be.
i would
"think of me when you dream and you know i'm wide awake and thinking of you, cause i swear when you're there alone know that i'm wide awake tonight"
right now
im wide awake
and thinking of joe
haha 'thinking of you' 'thinking of joe' haha that works
i could keep writing forever
because sleep isnt coming anytime soon.
to see the lovely joe
the coast guard
and if tomorrow (excuse me, i forgot its almost morning... if tonight) goes shitty i am gonna be so mad. i want tomorrow to go awesome. I didnt do my french paper tonihgt, i stayed up and made Joe delicious cookies. and i fucked up the first batch so i made a SECOND batch that turned out good.
if i dont end up sleeping, snuggling, spooning, in his bed with him tomorrow night you can expect some heads to roll
i sound angry i know
but i really like this boy. i do not know why. i just do. sometimes you JUST DO. and i want tomorrow to be cute and adorable and i want to skip on the beach with him.
my foot hurts.
i want to hear 'hold my heart (part one)" by letter kills as we kiss into the wee hours of the night. I want him to be so smitten with me that his fellow coast guards will make fun of him on the boat. and i want them to wonder how he got such a hottie (ha oh dear wanting of vanity). i want him to be smiling tomorrow morning on the boat and when someone asks him why he has such a dumb grin on his face i want him to say 'because my girl is coming....well not MY girl but i wish she was" because i'd be.
i would
"think of me when you dream and you know i'm wide awake and thinking of you, cause i swear when you're there alone know that i'm wide awake tonight"
right now
im wide awake
and thinking of joe
haha 'thinking of you' 'thinking of joe' haha that works
i could keep writing forever
because sleep isnt coming anytime soon.
[Edited on Feb 08, 2005 9:40PM]