yay im moving! Amanda and I have the apartment put on hold for us and we should be in there mid february. yay. im very very very happy.
I dont want to clean.
but it is for a good cause.
the coast guard is coming tomorrow. and that makes me super happy. granted he is bringing friends etc. but i still get to see him which is super cool. although i hope he doesnt bring a lot of people cuase A) I dont wanna party B) its midweek and i dunno what my friends are up to and i havent talked to anyone except amanda in a while.
and i need to make him cookies becuase i keep promising them to him but i havent had time everytime he has come down.
oh yeah meatloaf is the greatest thing ever.
just thought i'd share.
I dont want to clean.
but it is for a good cause.
the coast guard is coming tomorrow. and that makes me super happy. granted he is bringing friends etc. but i still get to see him which is super cool. although i hope he doesnt bring a lot of people cuase A) I dont wanna party B) its midweek and i dunno what my friends are up to and i havent talked to anyone except amanda in a while.
and i need to make him cookies becuase i keep promising them to him but i havent had time everytime he has come down.
oh yeah meatloaf is the greatest thing ever.
just thought i'd share.