soooooooo what the fuck is the deal?
have you ever decided over the course of a few months that you are fed up, not with all this bullshit plagueing us all around, but with yourself.
*raises hand*
I try to go to bed early, but no, i cant.
The mask is on, i'm not watching it, but i am becuase the family guy is on next. So if you put on the mask it just amplifies whatever you are inside you. Well wtf would i be? I really think i'd turn into a ginormous fatty who just wanted to eat and sit on their ass. Oh how frightening. Maybe i'd turn into a super hero, my inner 'good side' maybe.
So back to my previous statement. I am fed up with myself. Christmas/newyears/seasonal time in general is the time for re-everything-ing. yes, that is a new word i just coined. re-everything-ing. And so i plan to wake up at 7:30 (mainly to plug my meeter) and do something productive. I still have a sprained ankle but i shoudl go running. I think i need a stress relief. Maybe i'll go to the gym now that i realized i didnt break my ipod and lock myself to the stairmaster. Seriously something has got to change. I wish my friends were more motivating, not that i'm counting on them or someone else to do my job for me, but a support system really helps. At home i had my dad and now i barely see him once a week.
UGH.... frustrating, almost 1am banter is always interesting i'm sure.
i'm just sick ofi t. SICK SICK SICK.
i finally did my dishes today. yay for me that is a big step. maybe tomorrow i'll be in a productive mood and hang up my laundry and stuff. Oh yeah i took the trash out too, arent you proud???
*sigh* why am i always in a 'go get em' attitude at night? this does not help me one bit. maybe i'm supposed to live in england or france. we will see what tomorrow brings. i just need to get my ass in the gym and make myself dedicated to it and make it so that i dont feel good if i dont miss a day. UGH!!!!!!!!!
have you ever decided over the course of a few months that you are fed up, not with all this bullshit plagueing us all around, but with yourself.
*raises hand*
I try to go to bed early, but no, i cant.
The mask is on, i'm not watching it, but i am becuase the family guy is on next. So if you put on the mask it just amplifies whatever you are inside you. Well wtf would i be? I really think i'd turn into a ginormous fatty who just wanted to eat and sit on their ass. Oh how frightening. Maybe i'd turn into a super hero, my inner 'good side' maybe.
So back to my previous statement. I am fed up with myself. Christmas/newyears/seasonal time in general is the time for re-everything-ing. yes, that is a new word i just coined. re-everything-ing. And so i plan to wake up at 7:30 (mainly to plug my meeter) and do something productive. I still have a sprained ankle but i shoudl go running. I think i need a stress relief. Maybe i'll go to the gym now that i realized i didnt break my ipod and lock myself to the stairmaster. Seriously something has got to change. I wish my friends were more motivating, not that i'm counting on them or someone else to do my job for me, but a support system really helps. At home i had my dad and now i barely see him once a week.
UGH.... frustrating, almost 1am banter is always interesting i'm sure.
i'm just sick ofi t. SICK SICK SICK.
i finally did my dishes today. yay for me that is a big step. maybe tomorrow i'll be in a productive mood and hang up my laundry and stuff. Oh yeah i took the trash out too, arent you proud???
*sigh* why am i always in a 'go get em' attitude at night? this does not help me one bit. maybe i'm supposed to live in england or france. we will see what tomorrow brings. i just need to get my ass in the gym and make myself dedicated to it and make it so that i dont feel good if i dont miss a day. UGH!!!!!!!!!
1. A kick as Ninja....
2. A super horny sex freak...(errr I kinda am already)
3. ___________(fil in blank)
Oh, and if you need motivation I have plenty to spare we should chill soon.