OK, so when you switch someone shifts at work it means that you are supposed to cover their shift after they cover yours, it does not mean that the next day you call them up and ask them to take back their shift. Especially when you're the one who wanted to switch in the first place
Obviously some people at my work do not understand this concept, and thats why i'm back at the fucking meetro making damn good drinks for all these assholes
Obviously some people at my work do not understand this concept, and thats why i'm back at the fucking meetro making damn good drinks for all these assholes
It sounds like you need to open a can of whoop ass on there asses.

oh yeah and to boot, foudn out today that the girl who screwed me is going to be the new manager, AND right after i wrote this i went to go plug my meeter only to find a parking ticket on my car. WOHOOO