depressions sucks
i really want to go home and stay for like a week, but i have to work and what not and my dads girlfriend lost her job so she is home all the time and we'd probably stab each other. I miss my daddy o-so much
and i miss lyle way more than i thought i would. I cant figure out if i miss him or if i miss sleepign in his bed at night. I think its both. i like both a lot.
loooooooonley lonley lonley
im so ronery
so ronery and sadry arone.
i really want to go home and stay for like a week, but i have to work and what not and my dads girlfriend lost her job so she is home all the time and we'd probably stab each other. I miss my daddy o-so much
and i miss lyle way more than i thought i would. I cant figure out if i miss him or if i miss sleepign in his bed at night. I think its both. i like both a lot.
loooooooonley lonley lonley
im so ronery
so ronery and sadry arone.
I hear you......but it won't last long
hope you're not too ronry because there's tons of stuff to do or not do. i could talk or not talk for hours about it.