I'm doing it again
I am now watching []Dumping []ron religiously again, and i went to the grocery store and bough tall my high protien low calorie high vitamin deliciously healthy foods, and spent $48, although i saved $12 with my Safeway Club Card yay for safeway, please buy at safeway and pay for my college *long story*
and yeah, im a nerd and i love it, lets see how healthy i can stay this time
i also should clean my apartment but its so messy now i'll just wait until it has to be clean or something, yeah, i have toomany clothes too and i'm going to get rid of them because htey take up too much room
clothes are unneccesary
I am now watching []Dumping []ron religiously again, and i went to the grocery store and bough tall my high protien low calorie high vitamin deliciously healthy foods, and spent $48, although i saved $12 with my Safeway Club Card yay for safeway, please buy at safeway and pay for my college *long story*
and yeah, im a nerd and i love it, lets see how healthy i can stay this time
i also should clean my apartment but its so messy now i'll just wait until it has to be clean or something, yeah, i have toomany clothes too and i'm going to get rid of them because htey take up too much room
clothes are unneccesary
You should trade some of your clothes at a Buffalo Exchange or something and get a few new ones that you'll love. Then you'll have more room and a few newer clothes to be stoked on. Im trying to eat healthy but it's hard when my food credit at work has me eating baconcheeseburgers or hotwings. I love em though.