so me and my friend chris came upw tih this great new diet plan, and its more like an experiemnt. so if i have a cup of yogurt for breakfast, lunch and before bed, and then have either broth with cut up chicken breast or fat free refried beans or a can of tuna for dinner, and i start running, and i keep on my weight lifting schedule, i should shred fat like a beast. I'm going to be hot in no time, juuuust you wait and see... this is my new plan, we will see how it works. someone better let me borrow their scale.
you're already hot. if you get hotter, you may just break my pretty pink heart.
Umm, I'm gunna have to agree with what she said. You look frikin' hot. And I have good taste. And I know what I'm talking about. And yeah. Working out is always good no mater what.