uuuuuuuugh i hate living in such a small space. it gets cluttered so easily when i have friends over. damn you friends, damn you. i need to move out. I made a 'to do' list last night when i was super tired and a little drunk, its kinda funny. 'Essay!!! Dishes, Vacuum?? Transfer List' im sure its only amusing to me. Oh well screw you.
yea, saw my neihgbor in the park blocks TWICE today. I would say he was stalking me, but we all know that isnt true. DAMN DDD DOUBLE DAMN.
its nice out, but cold out. so sad becuase i want to go bum around and all my jackets...even thogh i just bought two new ones at goodwill, i dont like them that much for cold cold weather.
hot apple cider
now theres a great invention.
yea, saw my neihgbor in the park blocks TWICE today. I would say he was stalking me, but we all know that isnt true. DAMN DDD DOUBLE DAMN.
its nice out, but cold out. so sad becuase i want to go bum around and all my jackets...even thogh i just bought two new ones at goodwill, i dont like them that much for cold cold weather.
hot apple cider
now theres a great invention.
I like the park blocks area of town. The college is there, library is there, cool atmosphere. And yeah, he's probably stalking you