there is some horrible corporate cookie cutter machine out there and i want to use avril lavigne and hillary duff and ashley simpson to stop the gears
i really hate it
there is such media propoganda aimed at teens, and it seems that many o many late teen/early twenty somethings are mindless enough to let themselves be sucked into it as well.
my so called life is funny, and more true than a lot
the akwardness and uncertaintly of life is seldom addressed and if it is it is barely done right.
im in the house i grew up in and i feel like a stranger
i feel like a stranger wherever i go now
my best friend from highschool came over and we chatted about who is pregnant, who is married, who is dead, who is in prison, all that jazz
i wish i could reach into the tv and bitch slap everyone
i wish matt was back
im not whole and . . .
i really hate it
there is such media propoganda aimed at teens, and it seems that many o many late teen/early twenty somethings are mindless enough to let themselves be sucked into it as well.
my so called life is funny, and more true than a lot
the akwardness and uncertaintly of life is seldom addressed and if it is it is barely done right.
im in the house i grew up in and i feel like a stranger
i feel like a stranger wherever i go now
my best friend from highschool came over and we chatted about who is pregnant, who is married, who is dead, who is in prison, all that jazz
i wish i could reach into the tv and bitch slap everyone
i wish matt was back
im not whole and . . .