worked all morning, frustrated and crying work in hillsboro

dont want to go to volleyball
but bingo is afterwards
so yeah....
matt won $45 at BINGO tonight.
then threw up half a block away from the DAV
and then again halfway home
and then again when we got home

migraines are the devil
harvey danger = still really good

my account will expire sometime soon,
and have cancelled its renewal
if for any reason anyone would like to still follow all the super fantastico stuff of my life you can find me on live journal as "CatSucks"

in other news I have been super productive today and cleaned the living room, moved dressers into the bedroom, moved the...
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Be proud of me
Be very proud

I did work alll morning
and was professional
and mature
and kickass
I am super amazing
tomorrow is Matt's birthday. I bought him a 4-track recorder off ebay and it still has yet to come. I am hoping it will arrive today and I will be SO thrilled because then I can wrap it while he is at work. I also got him tapes and a box to keep everything in and organized.
I did some work this morning, despite being...
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i have no time management skills
i do not have any motivation
except to keep going because if i stop i will actually realize i am not doing anything
and so will everyone else

since writing this, I have gone to the store, cut up chicken and put it to marinade for dinner, and that is about it. fucking hell i am cool
i dont...
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its true
in case you were wondering, my guilty pleasure is america's next top model, and elyse sewell from season 1 was my absolute hero, total kickass chick. and this morning i read (in her livejounral, god im a lame-o,) that she just flew to portland to suprise her boyfriend (who i did not know lived here)...
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in general I am proud of myself.
I have stuck to healthy eating
smoking in moderation
being responsible with getting business stuff done, cleaning stuff, and i replaced mary's bridal boquet that she doesn't know I have ruined. So all seems close to getting good.