Two words: Hell City

I went with my boyfriend and my older cousin.

I <3 Radeo. I cheesed like a big dork.

I also crazy love this lady <333 she's even prettier in person

I got to eat here finally. It was on my stoner bucket list

We also impromptu toured this middle west distillery place with its lovely owner

And then Saturday I got my half sleeve.

Tim Senecal from off the map tattoos in new haven MA drew this up for me back in feb with my helpful instructions of I'd like a human skull, red roses, and a dead black bird. He's a genius

I made it 5 hours before I tapped out. I was shaking and it even hurt when he wiped it off so I quit.

I went with my boyfriend and my older cousin.

I <3 Radeo. I cheesed like a big dork.

I also crazy love this lady <333 she's even prettier in person

I got to eat here finally. It was on my stoner bucket list

We also impromptu toured this middle west distillery place with its lovely owner

And then Saturday I got my half sleeve.

Tim Senecal from off the map tattoos in new haven MA drew this up for me back in feb with my helpful instructions of I'd like a human skull, red roses, and a dead black bird. He's a genius

I made it 5 hours before I tapped out. I was shaking and it even hurt when he wiped it off so I quit.


It's John Barrowman's character Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood.