always a great way to begin, correct?

last Saturday I went to see the Smashing pumpkins in Camden. theyre one of my all time fav bands. I even have a tattoo of their SP <3.

granted they played the ENTIRE new cd oceania before they played like 6 classics and the PBRs were $11 a 22oz can, but it was worth it. I was ridiculously close to them.

they played bullet with butterfly wings, tonight tonight, and an ava adore remix that were noteworthy. also they covered david bowie's space oddity. awesome.
I listen to radio 104.5 99% of the time in the car and the opener was the morning parade.

<333 headlights. they also played their not yet released single which was fantastic.
on Saturday the 22nd ill be here

getting this colored in for a little while

so merry xmas to me

my Tallulah Belle is still way too cute

Happy Holidays to all you beautiful guys and gals <333
And Happy New Year
yay for boobies,awesome concerts and cute ass babies !
this year im deff going wouldnt miss it for theworld!!!!