oh my goodness! ive wanted to blog alot lately. ive been taking tons and tons of pictures what with the holidays and tallulah being around. we havent had the internet here at home, tallulah's aunt and her cousins moved out recently (awesome!) and it took us some time to get back on our feet. well actually a whole hell of alot more happened than that but its long winded and personal so lets stick to more recent developments in the life and times of moi
i do still find my way to my bar occasionally. tallulahs one grammy watches her for short outings. the classy lady beside me is my cousin, lulus babysitter while i work. thank god for her! i dont even know if lulu is eligable for daycare at only 3 and a half months with some health concerns.... hm?
anywho this is miss baby tallulah
hehehe so silly. i absolutely melt when she smiles
lulu n her daddy
im soooooo beyond happy that we are together. i couldnt do it on my own. no way in hell. how do single moms handle everything? or teen moms? im super pleased to report that brian and i are great. we stick together an communicate well. no huge money differences that divide us. both working with cars. cable
never out of diapers or TP or wipes or trashbags. simple and easy, about 90% of the time. he takes the late shift with lulu aka 2-4am. she sleeps from 4am to 1pm ususally. and so do we i guess, i go to sleep after she takes her medicine at 2am n wake up before lulu at noonish and let brian sleep until 2pm when she gets her meds again n we get ready for work. i am so blessed.
for real
thats the fam on xmas day. love love love lulus furry boots!!!! we call them her jersey shore boots.
at our house xmas day. my dad cut our xmas tree down from his own backyard. commitment. lol no not really just yard work
mommy n daddy got lulu strictly toys. we rock. and her first book!! Tallulah's Tutu
she and i are steelers fans
lulu has two real cousins, not friends we call cousins or 2nd cousins, which she also has.
the oldest one there is Savannah and littler one is Katelyn
thats all i have time for for now. gotta feed n get ready for ashley to come n babysit.
HAPPY NEW YEAR good luck and good health

i do still find my way to my bar occasionally. tallulahs one grammy watches her for short outings. the classy lady beside me is my cousin, lulus babysitter while i work. thank god for her! i dont even know if lulu is eligable for daycare at only 3 and a half months with some health concerns.... hm?
anywho this is miss baby tallulah

hehehe so silly. i absolutely melt when she smiles

lulu n her daddy
im soooooo beyond happy that we are together. i couldnt do it on my own. no way in hell. how do single moms handle everything? or teen moms? im super pleased to report that brian and i are great. we stick together an communicate well. no huge money differences that divide us. both working with cars. cable

for real
thats the fam on xmas day. love love love lulus furry boots!!!! we call them her jersey shore boots.

at our house xmas day. my dad cut our xmas tree down from his own backyard. commitment. lol no not really just yard work

mommy n daddy got lulu strictly toys. we rock. and her first book!! Tallulah's Tutu

she and i are steelers fans

lulu has two real cousins, not friends we call cousins or 2nd cousins, which she also has.
the oldest one there is Savannah and littler one is Katelyn
thats all i have time for for now. gotta feed n get ready for ashley to come n babysit.
HAPPY NEW YEAR good luck and good health

Thank you for such an awesome testimonial! You make a beautiful mama 

thanks for the ads!
that baby is too cute !