Hello boys and girls!
and, of course, happy holidays!
i really wish i had the internet at my house. im jealous of all the girls who blog so regularly, esp with cute ass pics to share. dont get me wrong, i love my iphone dearly, but its just not as good as a computer hooked up to comcast cable internet like im using right meow.
some pics:
myself at minigolf in early october. lotsa fun in the fall when no one else is on the course.

here's the two loves of my life. porkchop wears his santa hat so pretty
and chuck always looks so fine. im so lucky

i had 11 earrings in that ear at the time of this picture. my two fancy inner ear ones there are the rook and tragus.

i have since added a snug to that ear to mark lucky year number 21 in my life. it hasnt healed up perfectly yet as its still rather fresh, but once it does ill post the update.
and heres the other ear. 9 earrings there still. the exotics include the inner conch and anti-tragus.
then i still have
my earrings are often so hard for me to photograph. if and when i ever get to try to shoot a set for sg again ill def needa request my photographer to get clear shots.
ah, well. im still craving some more ink. a chest piece or a sleeve. something big. add that to the extensive list of desires besides laptop with internet, dig cam, new iphone, and my car to be paid off. overall though im happy. working hard. my work though is enforcing a new dress code, stricter and more retarded. aside from uniform scrubs all one color and style for each step on the nursing ladder, they're making us cover all tattoos and piercings. i guess ill be sporting huge band aids over each ear and a lil one on my face over the monroe. itll look like i cute myself shaving. also i have both wrists to cover, ill look like a suicidal burn victim when i head into work starting this Feb.
pic taken at my job
i have to write corporate a letter about my sadness involving this change in dress code. and def send pics of my ensemble. i dont mind uniforms, theyre a decent price and they will save time during the getting reading process, but covering up my face and extremities is a lil ridiculous. and if they thhink im gunna stop or even cut back on my body mods, they have another thing coming.
see how professional i am at the workplace.

two final things to end this much overdue blog.
A- one of my husbands, billy corgan, is dating jessica simpson. how odd.

and B- send love to the following ladies
Kemper and her two awesome sets in review- stripping ambition and jessica rabbit
shes so damn hot and her boobies are awesome. i want them!
kiefer 's set bad motherfucker. i love this girl!
saint -chance of showers. so pretty. cute clothes. soft.
rashel - gentle. wowzers! awesome. period.
jessemay - secret garden. beautiful.
and, of course, happy holidays!
i really wish i had the internet at my house. im jealous of all the girls who blog so regularly, esp with cute ass pics to share. dont get me wrong, i love my iphone dearly, but its just not as good as a computer hooked up to comcast cable internet like im using right meow.
some pics:
myself at minigolf in early october. lotsa fun in the fall when no one else is on the course.

here's the two loves of my life. porkchop wears his santa hat so pretty

i had 11 earrings in that ear at the time of this picture. my two fancy inner ear ones there are the rook and tragus.

i have since added a snug to that ear to mark lucky year number 21 in my life. it hasnt healed up perfectly yet as its still rather fresh, but once it does ill post the update.
and heres the other ear. 9 earrings there still. the exotics include the inner conch and anti-tragus.
then i still have

my earrings are often so hard for me to photograph. if and when i ever get to try to shoot a set for sg again ill def needa request my photographer to get clear shots.
ah, well. im still craving some more ink. a chest piece or a sleeve. something big. add that to the extensive list of desires besides laptop with internet, dig cam, new iphone, and my car to be paid off. overall though im happy. working hard. my work though is enforcing a new dress code, stricter and more retarded. aside from uniform scrubs all one color and style for each step on the nursing ladder, they're making us cover all tattoos and piercings. i guess ill be sporting huge band aids over each ear and a lil one on my face over the monroe. itll look like i cute myself shaving. also i have both wrists to cover, ill look like a suicidal burn victim when i head into work starting this Feb.

i have to write corporate a letter about my sadness involving this change in dress code. and def send pics of my ensemble. i dont mind uniforms, theyre a decent price and they will save time during the getting reading process, but covering up my face and extremities is a lil ridiculous. and if they thhink im gunna stop or even cut back on my body mods, they have another thing coming.
see how professional i am at the workplace.

two final things to end this much overdue blog.
A- one of my husbands, billy corgan, is dating jessica simpson. how odd.

and B- send love to the following ladies
Kemper and her two awesome sets in review- stripping ambition and jessica rabbit
shes so damn hot and her boobies are awesome. i want them!
kiefer 's set bad motherfucker. i love this girl!
saint -chance of showers. so pretty. cute clothes. soft.
rashel - gentle. wowzers! awesome. period.
jessemay - secret garden. beautiful.
...... and i'm jealous you have a iPhone hahaha