if you havent seen this movie, you should.
its called what happens in vegas.
im tired and work was wack tonight but im in a really good mood.
my friend from work her daughter and i are moving to LA together next month hopefully. that should be an adventure.
for those of you that dont know, ive kinda become a stoner... hahaha ive have a wreck of a past few months and im way too stressed and weed makes me feel better hahaha i love it!
"make your paper boo boo"
im such a loser. i need to go to bed but im wide awake wtf!?
you know what song i havent been able to stop listening to...
hahaha i know random but it makes me feel like dancing like im in a 90's rap music video hahaha.
im going to be in seattle for the first time ever the 30th through the 4th!! im so excited i cant wait. robert and i are going for an Undertow and Unbroken show, im stoked to see them play again and this time robert is coming! and i might try and work while im there. wooo.
so my friend and i decided, while high, that we were goign to buy an ice cream truck and sell ice cream but instead of playing the traditional ice cream man song we would play this....
hahahaha the songs great plus the video rules cause you get to laugh at the 2 dummys in the photo haha.
okay i need to go to bed now or ill post a million youtubes! ahhh
dude get high with me. are you coming back to vegas any time soon? you missed an epic surprise party for nicks' birthday. i'm sure britney told you about it. i ate a cookie there that had weed in it and i was so wrecked i had to leave. good times! hope all is well!