The country music singers and cable news stations tell us our war against the arab world is the proper response to September 11th. It makes about as much sense. They terrorize us at random, and we terrorize them back. Their's lasted a day, and in true John Wayne form, America gives it back 100-fold. So I'm left wondering...
How much suffering will we inflict before the American people decide, "okay, that's enough suffering."?? How much fear will we create before we decide "that's enough fear."?? How many children do we kill before our dead children from September 11th are avenged? How many jokes need to be emailed before we've laughed at their suffering enough?
How much wrath is enough wrath? How much bullying is enough bullying? Hopefully the American people will wake up and demand their government stop this. Unfortunately, the American people are for the most part jerks and bullies and probably won't until this ongoing disaster gets far worse. And then will just use how bad things have gotten as the reason to continue being bullies and jerks.
We're falling down the slippery slope. The bottom is most certainly coming.
Added: just as I posted this, I swear we had a little tremor here in SE pdx. Wonder if anyone else felt it - it lasted about 4-5 seconds at about 12:25. Felt like the jolly green giant bent over and grabbed my house and shook it a little bit, then just walked away...
How much suffering will we inflict before the American people decide, "okay, that's enough suffering."?? How much fear will we create before we decide "that's enough fear."?? How many children do we kill before our dead children from September 11th are avenged? How many jokes need to be emailed before we've laughed at their suffering enough?
How much wrath is enough wrath? How much bullying is enough bullying? Hopefully the American people will wake up and demand their government stop this. Unfortunately, the American people are for the most part jerks and bullies and probably won't until this ongoing disaster gets far worse. And then will just use how bad things have gotten as the reason to continue being bullies and jerks.
We're falling down the slippery slope. The bottom is most certainly coming.
Added: just as I posted this, I swear we had a little tremor here in SE pdx. Wonder if anyone else felt it - it lasted about 4-5 seconds at about 12:25. Felt like the jolly green giant bent over and grabbed my house and shook it a little bit, then just walked away...
alright, fine! I'll comment on my own freakin' journal. To wit: I was right, I was right - there was a tremor at 12:26 today. The local news confirmed it, so it must be true, cause they are <i>never</i> fucking wrong. Now my journal entry is like a little earthquake memento. Yeah me.