Still doing with lot of BS about school. It looks like ill have to put up a fight to have what is rightfully mine.
Went and saw my Mustang today!! Ill post some shots for you guys.
I meet Craig Goldy today!!! He was such a sweet and grounded Man. Such an honor to of met him. I love the music he did with Dio and I was very special to of been able to talk to him.
Now time to catch up on the internet stuff and make some yummys for dinner.

I love these guys!

Woke up to this the other morning

My Mustang!!!
He is about a year old and I don't know what to name him yet. I'll say Catori to him and he likes it. It means spirit in Apache. It would need a second part to it though.....
Still doing with lot of BS about school. It looks like ill have to put up a fight to have what is rightfully mine.
Went and saw my Mustang today!! Ill post some shots for you guys.
I meet Craig Goldy today!!! He was such a sweet and grounded Man. Such an honor to of met him. I love the music he did with Dio and I was very special to of been able to talk to him.
Now time to catch up on the internet stuff and make some yummys for dinner.

I love these guys!

Woke up to this the other morning

My Mustang!!!
He is about a year old and I don't know what to name him yet. I'll say Catori to him and he likes it. It means spirit in Apache. It would need a second part to it though.....
looking at him i see him looking at you as you photograph him, what is apache for eyes? spirit eyes
That is a good idea. I like that. He is very aware and observant. Sight or eye spirit. Im going to look it up right now. Thanks x0x0